HOW IT WORKSKinesiology (Kin-easy-ology) is the most comprehensive of the modern natural therapies. It is, however, very easy to learn some kinesiology techniques to boost your own energy or help you handle day-to-day stress situations.
Have you ever come in from shopping with tired feet, felt your energy at an all time low and wish you could get a quick energy boost? Try the walking gait reflexes for yourself and feel your energy rise. Stressed out to the max? Hold your ESR points for 30 - 90 seconds and marvel like we did that a simple reflex from Chinese medicine can have such a profound effect. Kinesiology is a therapy with a difference. It does not treat the symptoms or signs of named diseases. Kinesiologists look at the whole person and think in terms of a triad of health. They place equal emphasis on all sides of the triangle. Some health care systems emphasise nutrition, some concentrate on nutritional, chemical, mental or psychological aspects of ill health. Still others look only at structure or the exercise component. The result is an unbalanced triangle or one-sided view of health or disease. |