Hi my name is Rasheda Khatun, I am a Financial Life Planner, a Wellness & Wealth Coach and a cancer-kickin’ warrior! My life mantra is simple, I believe in good health, great wealth and celebrate life. I believe you can’t have one without the other, here is my story.
Well, it began as a normal work day back in 2006, I was sitting in my office, mystified at the news I’d been given. Having never been sick in my life, I just learnt that I was riddled with cancer from my diaphragm to the top of my skull, in the last stage of the cancer (Hodgkins Lymphoma) and my chances of survival were very slim and if not treated immediately I may not survive another six weeks. I was only 26 years old! My world was a blur! In the months that followed I was then faced with the harsh reality of reflecting upon my life. It was at this time I found myself asking, “Is this my last hour? Have I lived? And have I lived fully?” My answer was ˜Yes, I have lived. Fully? Hmmm… not sure.” And it was from that day I made a decision, a decision to celebrate life every day in every way, even if it was I had one day to life, for you can live a whole life in just one day.
I decided I wanted more than six weeks and so took my recovery into my own very capable hands. I discovered that it was the reconditioning of the mind and body that was the real cure. I changed my diet, I nourished my body, I took up fitness through body balance and yoga. I leaned on the support of my loving family and friends. I fed my mind with love, the conviction to live, faith and celebration.
The meaning of celebrating life for me is to live free, having the freedom to choose life and fully embrace and experience it. This is living in fulfillment. I want to get to my last hour and say “I lived and I gave it my best shot, with everything that I have.” The first stumbling block – MONEY! The other cure to good health! The fact is EVERYTHING costs money. Life costs money. Financial planning is the process of creating and building financial freedom, giving you the freedom to make choices in life, to live the life you truly love.
I had sound financial support myself, I was able to recover in harmony. I learnt through my life changing illness, that great health is great wealth and vice versa. I also met many people along my journey whose real struggle in life was financially based. Life for me is not just about having money, it’s about taking responsibility of your finances to empower you to live the life you really want to live and sharing that wealth and wisdom with others.
My parents and friends carried me in the hard times. I learnt to receive their love, even in those times when it was just too much. I understood it was their way and this is how they showed it. By acknowledging my own network of love I realised even if I wanted to, I could never fall. Even if I begged for my death, my love circle was so strong, they wouldn’t have allowed it.
Having love for yourself will bring out the best person you are. Life becomes easy. You can just live as you are, you no longer have to live up to the expectations of others. Simply put, loving yourself first brings out the real you. And in the words of Oscar Wild “Be yourself, because everybody else is taken.”
Well I believe it is so important to consciously take the time to celebrate. So often the business side of life gets in the way. The idea of the ball came from a dear friend of mine, Pat. She too was diagnosed with cancer and we both journeyed on our road to recovery together, we joked that we would have a big party to celebrate ˜life” not death, as too often people only get together at people’s wake. We decided to tell the world and organise a charity ball, so we could all celebrate together.
The thing was I didn’t that year. I too got caught up in life and then a very sad thing happened, Pat’s cancer progressed and she passed away later that year. Something shifted, I am not sure if it was my sadness or grief, but I knew I had to honor my agreement with Pat. I started organising the ball in honor of our lessons learnt, unfortunately not celebrated in time with the world. So it was Pat who gave birth to a great ball for a great cause! I have now completed over five years in remission.
After surviving a life-threatening illness and receiving the value of life – again! I wanted to give back, to contribute to the world and its people, especially to children and young adults in need. Giving people an opportunity to learn and the privilege of a health system will change their lives. I know, I experienced it. There’s a saying which goes: “Don’t give a man a fish, teach him how to fish!” The money raised by everyone through the charity foundation makes a difference, changing the world to be a better place, today and tomorrow and for generations to come.
Somewhere along the way, I realised that I was more than a “cancer success story” in fact it became the story of millions. I became a leader, a role model, an educator and a champion. Part of ‘Live The Life You Love and Celebration Of Life’, is to inspire and build a community who provide hope, love and practical support to others. I realised I was doing that simply by just showing up, and telling my story, I could help. So that’s what I do. Every day, I help people to heal their lives from the disease of lack of worth or self-belief by empowering and feeding their minds and helping them build the base to create a wealthy life in all areas.
So here on this site we encourage and support each other to live the life we love with true passion.
With Love,
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Don’t Wait To Reach Financial Freedom. Enjoy it Right Now.