Get your Money Plan in order and really start to live the life you truly want. What are your financial and life goals? Start taking action towards designing your life. By having a Money Plan, you will not get bombarded with the numbers and the logistics, instead you will have clarity and conviction in knowing what you need to do. Watch this interview and learn how to create your own Money Plan.
This week Rasheda sits down with Sean Kelleher – CEO, Mondial. Together they discuss the different types of investors to help you identify what type of saver or investor you are. Bought to you by MyDubai MyCity. When people talk about compound interest, more often than not, they talk about it working in your favor. The harsh reality is……that compound interest also works against you if it’s on your credit card.
Credit card debt can be incredibly destructive. This week Rasheda talks to Tanweer Contractor – Chairman & MD, ASAP Wealth and looks at how you can be on the right side of compound interest. Bought to you by MyDubai MyCity. Ever since 2008, insurance policies and health benefits with many companies have changed. It is important to understand what insurance coverage you have. And if it is not adequate……seek the right advice to get the right coverage.
This week Rasheda talks to Rickson De Souza – CEO, Pinnacle Asset & Wealth Management to help you understand what you should be looking for when it comes to insurance. Bought to you by MyDubai My City. How can we avoid the financial fall-out that so many people experience when their fate changes or their marriages fall apart?
As expats living in the UAE, we should all make an extra effort to ensure we have our own life vest in place and we are protected. This week Rasheda sits down with Rickson De Souza – CEO, Pinnacle Asset & Wealth Management and defines what self protection really is. Bought to you by MyDubai MyCity. Understanding dollar cost averaging is probably one of the most important elements of a sound financial plan. This week Rasheda interviews Tanweer Contractor – Chairman & MD, ASAP Wealth.
They look at the terms and common beliefs, how even the smartest CEOs get scared when markets are down and want to cash in the regular savings. But that really is you can benefit from both high and low markets when you understand dollar cost averaging. Bought to you by MyDubai MyCity. Many expats living in the UAE don’t realize they have an advantage as an expat living offshore from their home country for tax purposes. Explore your options today.
By interviewing Sean Kelleher – CEO of Mondial, Rasheda explores offshore advantages for expats living in the UAE today. Bought to you by MyDubai My City In exploring why is saving important, the answer lies in the question; what happens if people don’t save?
By interviewing Rickson De Souza – CEO, Pinnacle Asset & Wealth Management, Rasheda uncovers why savings is crucial and explore strategies and techniques people can adopt to help them define their financial goals for their future. Bought to you by MyDubai MyCity UAE Money Talk goes straight to the source to get the answers for those living in the UAE! As expat’s we’re not paying taxes on our salary. The question is – what are we doing about it?
September 2019
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