So why is it that we just cannot stick to our money resolutions? Why can we not keep that promise we make to ourselves?
The answer is – we do not make a strong enough commitment. Making an agreement with yourself is just so easy to break because you only have yourself to answer to and we are all good at cutting ourselves a little slack. A good agreement is made up of a worthwhile outcome and a penalty clause if you break it midway. The strong commitment comes from the level of importance of the outcome to your life and what holds you to it is the penalty clause or pain if you let yourself down. Here are 5 steps to make sure you make a big difference to your pocket in 2016.
When you read this, there will only be 20, or maybe its 15, no make that 5, shopping days until Christmas. The truth is that for most of us time is going by at F1 speed and accelerates to warp speed during the holidays. In a blink, Christmas is over and many of the kids’ gifts are already broken. What’s a parent to do?
September 2019